Why Mars inspires us (and the March meeeting)

Kurt was away on business. Roger passed out an agenda and led the meeting. Under old business, Mark brought an example and prices for t-shirts and polo shirts from one vendor. Roger displayed shirts from 2 different printers; the group agreed with varying degrees of vehemence that the cheaper printing was not the quality we want to present.

However, the 4 color print process that resulted in fine clear colors would be expensive, $20 to $24 per shirt. We are considering whether to ask Chris Carberry if we may advertise shirts on the national website and only purchase those pre-sold and paid for, or perhaps a dozen above that. Even at a $5-6 profit to the group, that would make our shirts $25 & $30. We made no decision on vendor. We also made no decision on slogan. We do not want a cliché.

We would appreciate new vendor input, but are no longer willing to go with cheapest and may not be able to sell high quality ones at even a small profit. Our new action item was…

Everyone bring a slogan suggestion and logo illustration.
Even Email suggestions from nonmember will be considered.

Our new business was a discussion of why Mars inspired us.

Why Mars inspires us.

We need to be prepared to colonize and remain there for future generations, possibly for preservation of humanity as we have overpopulated Earth while taking little care of natural resources.

We need to explore for scientific reasons. Mars offers many resources and is the only planet in the inner solar system where we might yet find past or present life.

Mars holds resources such as platinum group metals we might need for civilization to continue.

We need a Mars colony with infrastructure so we can explore the rest of the solar system.

Money for Mars colonization offers a better return than money spent on endless wars.

As further new business, April suggested we respond to Chris Carberry’s request for input from successful local groups. We are considered successful because we have not given up and disbanded.

People offered various responses. We are successful because:

We have a core of stubborn, dedicated members.
We chose a regular meeting site and stuck with it.
We encourage one another and cooperate on projects.

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